Thrilled to Announce my Fifth Novel!

Happy Fourth of July to you! To celebrate the day, I’m announcing my fifth novel: Painted Faces. I’ve been hinting at it for awhile now and mentioned it in a previous interview. Now, I’m thrilled to officially announce that Painted Faces is launching around the world on July 18th!

The Fourth of July is an especially fitting day to announce Painted Faces, as it is a story about dreaming big and chasing freedom. For nineteen-year-old Vivian Harris that means trading in the farm dust of Kansas for stardust. That, at least, is her deepest hope. For two siblings in Budapest, that means seeking sanctuary and safety away from the rising tide of anti-Semitism. The year is 1938. Mystery lurks from the canvas flaps of circus tents, through the shadowy streets of Budapest, and from the silver screen. When running to her future and away from their past, only one place will do. Destination? Hollywood!

I have more exciting news! For the first time ever, the pre-order price for the ebook is only $1.99! Please note that this is a pre-order special. You can pre-order your copy here and be one of the first to read Painted Faces! As always, paperback and hardcover will also be available.


Here’s the trailer!

Have a wonderful Fourth of July! Whether you’re American or not, may the day encourage you to follow your dreams.

My best to you all,

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*The latest newsletter features another connection to the Fourth of July in Painted Faces, in a behind the scenes sneak preview.*

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