June 18, 2023

Extra Ink Edits will be closed for the month of July. If you need help with queries, synopses, manuscripts and more, email me to book from August on. [email protected] Happy Summer and Happy Writing! My best to you all! Megan  

May 8, 2023

  Today VE Day is commemorated, when World War II ended in Europe. Explore the courage, hope, love, and mystery of WWII Europe through the pages of historical fiction. England, France, and Switzerland hang in the balance in these novels!

December 19, 2022

Hello! It’s celebration time for billions of people around the world this month. With Hanukkah and Christmas, candles are lit, bringing hope and paying tribute to the faithfulness of the ages. Many people celebrate with festive food and with exchanging presents among their families and friends. Or, perhaps, gifts are given to those who are…

October 24, 2022

Hello! Nature is boasting of all of its beauty here in Ireland. I hope it is equally beautiful wherever you are. My best to you all, Megan    

October 17, 2022

This November marks 100 years since Tutankhamen’s tomb was discovered. It sparked massive interest in Egypt and in its ancient treasures. Egyptian style found its way into society, through such diverse things as movie theater design and black eyeliner for makeup. Everyone wanted a piece of ancient Egypt’s lure. In my novel, Where Fortune Leads,…

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