December 11, 2017

Make Christmas a little more magical this year…While Aurora Slept, the best-selling ebook trilogy, is now available as a single bound volume in hardcover and paperback! Aurora and her sister are inseparable, until dreams divide them. Literally.“On the night of my sixteenth birthday, I fell asleep. When morning came, I didn’t wake up. It’s been a…

October 13, 2017

Hello! My sixth historical novel, Meridian, launches around the world on Tuesday, October 17th. Its name is derived from the Prime Meridian. In 1884, the nations of the world united to decide upon a single Prime Meridian. Today, it’s something that we take for granted. The Prime Meridian runs through Greenwich, England and is the…

July 5, 2017

Hello!In yesterday’s post, I mentioned the exciting news that Painted Faces, my fifth novel, is launching around the world on July 18th! Would you like some clues into the plot? Check out my Pinterest board for a sneak peek behind the scenes! Have you pre-ordered your ebook? They’re available at the very special pre-order price…

July 4, 2017

Hello!Happy Fourth of July to you! To celebrate the day, I’m announcing my fifth novel: Painted Faces. I’ve been hinting at it for awhile now and mentioned it in a previous interview. Now, I’m thrilled to officially announce that Painted Faces is launching around the world on July 18th! The Fourth of July is an…

March 21, 2017

Hello!Thank you for your interest in my characters, plots, historical settings, and the themes of my writing. Most simply put that’s hope. I’m excited to share with you that Across the River, my fourth novel, is releasing from Macmillan on March 28th! About the Book: For her, he’d go to the ends of the earth.When she…

December 31, 2016

I’m looking forward to 2017 and sharing several new upcoming releases with you! The first up is North Star Home, a story of love on the frontier, coming January 16th! If you’d like an advance reader copy to review for free (.epub or .mobi), let me know.My best to you all,Megan

October 19, 2016

Hello!On Writer Wednesday, I share with you a book that I’ve recently read. Today, I’m doing something even better. I’m sharing a book that I’ve written!In case you missed my big announcement yesterday… And now for more details on Flight Before Dawn and the cover reveal! For over two years, she’s watched him.  Now he’s…

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