April 19, 2022

    Thanks for helping Painted Faces climb the charts! Get your FREE KINDLE for a very short time! My best to you all, Megan  

August 19, 2017

Hello! Can we be real? Really real? It can be tempting in a time of seeming destruction to wonder at the possibilities of creation. I see many writers disillusioned by the process, knowing the power of the written word, and yet wondering what difference they can make in the face of hatred, in the shadow…

August 1, 2017

Hello! It’s August 1st and that means it’s Vivian Harris’s birthday.Who’s Vivian Harris? She’s one of the central characters in my newest release, Painted Faces. Longing to exchange farm dust for stardust, she seeks out the bright lights of Hollywood! The year is 1938 and anything is possible… even encountering a new worldview, encompassing somewhere…

July 12, 2017

Hello! Next week, Painted Faces, my fifth novel debuts around the world!Yesterday, I spoke about one of the important settings in the story: Budapest, Hungary. Hungary is also a land associated with iconic horror figures. To me, horror as a genre, always alludes to classics of literature and the classic monsters of 1930s and 1940s…

July 12, 2017

Hello! Step right up! Step right up! Be prepared for the a-maze-ing show! The smell of sawdust. The texture of the canvas under your hand as you peek inside the tent. Your heart catches. There. It’s amazing! Beautiful! There’s nothing like it. The circus is in town! I’ve been discussing various elements of my upcoming…

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