The Circus is in Town!


Step right up! Step right up! Be prepared for the a-maze-ing show!

The smell of sawdust. The texture of the canvas under your hand as you peek inside the tent. Your heart catches. There. It’s amazing! Beautiful!

There’s nothing like it. The circus is in town!

I’ve been discussing various elements of my upcoming novel, Painted Faces, and I promised a summer delight in this post.

Although the circus is by no means exclusive to the summer, the idea of the circus transforming a field with its color and joy is quintessentially summer to me.

In elementary school, I lived in California. I have fond memories of the circus coming to town. These were the circuses where the elephants hoisted the tents and the three rings emerged from the dust of the land. The sequins of the costumes glistened in the sun and the acts competed for attention. It was difficult to decide where to look when three engaging acts were trying to be the best spectacle.

Vivian has never been to the circus before. In the pages of Painted Faces, she encounters a traveling circus. More than just an afternoon of entertainment, the circus changes her life in a way that she won’t be able to forget. While there, she’ll have to face some of the biggest decisions of her life and she might just meet her biggest friend.

Vivian knows a good deal when she sees one and is sure to take advantage of it! You should too.

Yes! I want to pre-order my ebook today.

My best to you all,

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