December 13, 2013

Hello!It’s time for Friday fun! I’d like to tell you about a website that I’ve recently learned about. It’s a Google Art Gallery, that can be found here.  Actually, it’s many many galleries! The idea behind the project is that you can find your favorite art pieces and compile your very own gallery. How exciting is…

December 11, 2013

Hello! It’s time for Writer Wednesday, when I discuss another author and his or her book. For December, I am talking about some seasonal greats. Today I want to tell you about a book that I adore. Part history, part magic, full of the Christmas spirit and fully irresistible is Jeff Guinn’s The Autobiography of…

December 9, 2013

Hello! ‘Tis the season of giving- For all fellow authors, these websites are valuable and I hope that they will help you on your writing journey. 1) AbsoluteWriteAbsolutewrite is a writing community comprised of several forums and it offers information on all stages of the writing process- from grammar to publicity. 2) QuerytrackerPart of writing…

December 6, 2013

Hello! It’s time for Friday Fun! Today is St. Nicholas Day, that celebrates the real life saint, the bishop of Myra, who lived in present-day Turkey during the third century. He left coins in the stockings of girls who were unable to marry, due to their poverty. Good deeds of St. Nicholas, in the form…

December 4, 2013

Hello! It’s time for Writer Wednesday, when I discuss another author and his or her book. Today, I’ll be discussing the magical, charming and hugely compelling The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern. Seemingly, The Night Circus might be better related to Halloween and I indeed did read this book in the build up to Halloween….

December 2, 2013

Hello!Lights! Camera! Movies! In addition to my own writing, I’ve taught a writing class and thought I’d offer a few Hollywood inspired tips today. Movies and books often go together, but I’m not talking about Hollywood’s versions of the best sellers today. Instead, I’m talking about the inspiration that authors can gain from movies. It’s…

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