Writer Wednesday: The Autobiography of Santa Claus


It’s time for Writer Wednesday, when I discuss another author and his or her book. For December, I am talking about some seasonal greats.

Today I want to tell you about a book that I adore. Part history, part magic, full of the Christmas spirit and fully irresistible is Jeff Guinn’s The Autobiography of Santa Claus.

This charming book takes the reader from Turkey, where the real life St. Nicholas is encountered as a young boy, through his life and then… it just keeps going. Through the centuries, St. Nicholas begins to walk across the world, meeting historical and mythical figures, to include King Arthur, St. Patrick, and Amelia Earhart to name only a tiny fraction. This book fuses historical accuracy with beautiful storytelling and a good dose of magic. Explanations of stockings, chimneys and how St. Nicholas became Santa Claus are all included. Mrs. Claus is present and the reindeer as well. The one notable exception is that Santa’s special helpers are not elves in this book. Some people have been disappointed about this, but I think their omission lends to the true-to-life acceptance of the magic. For example, King Arthur may have been mythical, but he at least was a person who could have existed.

The book is divided into one chapter per day in December, but they are relatively short and you can dive right in mid-month. Happy reading!

My best to you all,

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