Author Gifts


‘Tis the season of giving-

For all fellow authors, these websites are valuable and I hope that they will help you on your writing journey.

1) AbsoluteWrite
Absolutewrite is a writing community comprised of several forums and it offers information on all stages of the writing process- from grammar to publicity.

2) Querytracker
Part of writing is waiting. But, how long is typical to wait to hear from an agent and what are agents looking for specifically? This site has all of that information.

3) Association of Author Representatives
There are many agents who are reputable, who are not part of AAR, but this website lists all members and what they are particularly looking for. AAR members subscribes to a code of conduct to protect authors.

4) Preditors and Editors
Need to look up to see if someone is reputable or a scam? You can search for agents and publishers as well as contests on this website.

Happy Writing!

My best to you all,

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