Friday Fun- St. Nicholas Day

Hello! It’s time for Friday Fun!

Today is St. Nicholas Day, that celebrates the real life saint, the bishop of Myra, who lived in present-day Turkey during the third century. He left coins in the stockings of girls who were unable to marry, due to their poverty. Good deeds of St. Nicholas, in the form of small gifts and treats, began making their way across the world, inspired by the man’s generosity. Years later, when Dutch colonists settled in New York in the 1600s, they told English children about St. Nicholas. They heard St. Nicholas as Santa Claus and the rest is history!

Here is the St. Nicholas center, with lots of interesting information and activities. In countries such as Germany and the Netherlands, shoes are still left out for small gifts of chocolates, apples, and nuts on St. Nicholas Day.

Stories of St. Nicholas capture the heart of the season and the joy of giving.

My best to you all,

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