What does the 8th most watched Youtube video of 2012 have to do with historical fiction?

What does the 8th most watched Youtube video of 2012 have to do with historical fiction?

The answer isn’t that it’s a documentary or even anything to do with books.
Instead, it’s a song that I love and I think it encapsulates perfectly the ability for a story to sing. A violin, an instrument rooted in history, is the star of this piece. In my book I’m currently editing, reference is made to violins and the song within the wood. Alongside the tried and true in this song, though, is an all new fusion of style, beat and imagination. See, yesterday’s post, on Adding to the Conversation, for more on the importance of this. Contemporary historical fiction (that is historical fiction written now) is most effective when it merges the style and beauty of the present with the historical rooting of the past. This symbiotic symphony of that power is beautifully illustrated in the song below.

Happy Listening!

My best to you all,

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