August 19, 2017

Hello! Can we be real? Really real? It can be tempting in a time of seeming destruction to wonder at the possibilities of creation. I see many writers disillusioned by the process, knowing the power of the written word, and yet wondering what difference they can make in the face of hatred, in the shadow…

December 22, 2016

Hello!December is such a magical time. There are special foods, beautiful decorations, and the thrill of giving in the air. There is peace and hope, goodwill and love, and a light shining in the darkness. At times, it can feel as if the darkness is stronger, but the sun continues to always shine, even when…

July 7, 2016

In high school, one of our readings was “Black Men and Public Spaces” by Doctor Brent Staples, Author and Editorial Writer for The New York Times.  It stuck with me, the feelings that unfairly arise in others out of fear, out of judgement, out of failing to realize that the insides of a person are…

April 23, 2016

Hello!Today is Shakespeare day! 400 years ago today, Shakespeare departed the stage of earth, “Parting is such sweet sorrow” (Romeo and Juliet Act 2, Scene 2) He was also born around this date, although that exact point in time is less certain. As a writer and an editor, Shakespeare is inspiring to me. His words…

March 17, 2016

Hello!Happy St. Patrick’s Day! I am American and for over eight years, I’ve had the lovely privilege of living in Ireland. Why do I live here? My husband is Irish. I’m thus an insider from the outside… Here’s a look at some past posts about Ireland. 7 Things You Might Not Know about Ireland…  Did…

December 31, 2015

Hello!Tonight we become time travelers and journey from 2015 into an exciting new year: 2016! As the new year approaches, I think over the past year. I’m happy to report that I kept my New Year’s resolution! Last year, I decided that I was going to write a poem each week and a short story…

October 8, 2015

Do you know why trees shed their leaves in autumn? Preservation. Life. How many times have we heard that autumn means that trees die in the winter? Only, that isn’t true. Not at all. Leaves turn beautiful colors and then fall, so that the trees have to expend less energy in the winter. By trimming…

January 23, 2015

Hello! I’ve mentioned before how authors are stereotypically shown as not taking care of themselves, forgetting to eat, or when they do- eating poorly- as they write. I’ve also mentioned how it’s important to take care of yourself- even when you’re busy. This applies for all people, of course, not just writers.  So- here’s my…

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