Top Ten Tuesday: Books from Childhood and Teen Years I’d love to revisit

Today’s Top Tuesday from The Broke and the Bookish is “10 Books From My Childhood (Or teen years) That I Would Love To Revisit”

1. Nancy Drew- I’ve read some Nancy Drew mysteries, but there are still many more to read. I’d love to dive back into them and read some more.

2. American Family portrait series- Generations of historical fiction, full of suspense! I read these out of order, first seeing The Allies on the shelf in the book store and wanting to read it immediately. 

3. Ella Enchanted-  The author visited my school in middle school. I somehow only read half of this (not for lack of interest!) and would like to finish it!

4) Both Sides of Time- I read the first three books in the series this is a part of. I never knew there was a fourth until writing this! 

5) Babar the Elephant – I remember the librarian reading these to us in elementary school library time. I loved them! 

6) Little House on the Prairie- I read several of the books in this series and even have a Little House cookbook! 

7) Harold and the Purple Crayon- This book is just fun! It’s great how he draws his way through the pages. 

8) Corduroy- Aw, Corduroy! What a loveable bear

9) Paddington- Aw, Paddington- What a loveable bear (same as above!) and he lives in London! London is kind of fantastic, you know. My friend got me a signed copy too 🙂

10)  Thunder cake- A special cake for a thunderstorm and gorgeous illustrations? Yes, please!

My best to you all,

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