Ten Facts About Me

Image of Top Ten Tuesday in Yellow and Orange on Top Ten Tuesday Blog Post of Editor and Writing Consultant Megan Easley-Walsh of Extra Ink Edits

Today’s top ten Tuesday from The Broke and the Bookish is a fun theme. It’s ten facts about the writer of the post… so, here are ten facts about me!

1. I’ve lived in a lot of places. I grew up in a military family and now I live in Ireland with my Irish husband. I’ve previously lived in Germany, Alaska, California, New York, Illinois and South Carolina.

Image of Extra Ink Edits Logo, Provider of Professional Editing Services, on Top Ten Tuesday Blog Post of Editor and Writing Consultant Megan Easley-Walsh of Extra Ink Edits
2. I’m a writer and researcher. I also own a writing consultancy, where I am a professional editor.

3. I live beside the beach, enjoy hearing seagulls sing and have seen more rainbows in Ireland than the rest of my life combined.

Image of Ursula Le Guin quotation, "But when people say, 'Did you always want to be a writer?', I have to say no! I always was a writer." from Extra Ink Edits, Provider of Editing Services for Writers on Blog Post

4. I “wrote” my first story when I was three. My mother had to actually write it for me, as I didn’t know how to read or write, but I told it to her. Hence, I love this quotation ———–>>>>

Image of Altesch Glacier in Switzerland, largest in Europe, on Blog Post of Top Ten Tuesday from Extra Ink Edits, Writing Consultancy and Provider of Professional Editing Services

5. In high school, I went ice climbing on the largest glacier in Europe.

Image of Musical Notes on Blog Post of Top Ten Tuesday from Extra Ink Edits, Writing Consultancy and Provider of Professional Editing Services
6. I’m a lifetime member of the Girl Scouts of America and earned my Gold Award.

7. I’ve played the flute since I was 11 and love to sing also.

8. I like both history and humanity subjects and science subjects so much that I combined them together into my international relations degrees.

9. I am a certified English teacher and taught writing to international college students in the UNESCO literature city of Dublin.

10. I love donkeys (they’re extremely sweet and friendly!) and art photography included. Here’s a photo I took of donkeys.

Photograph of Two Donkeys on a Fence Post with Yellow Flowers and Hills by Megan Easley-Walsh, Owner of Extra Ink Edits

My best to you all,

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