As part of my ongoing series on tips from a writing consultant, I’m sharing five top tips to make you a better writer today.
1. Read something classic.
It doesn’t have to be a huge volume. It could be as simple as a poem. The classics are classic for a reason. They resonate across generations and geography.
2. Carry a notebook with you or something to record digitally or your voice.
Then, when ideas inspire you, jot them down. You don’t have to wait until a genius plot idea pops in your mind. Simply write down what interests you today.
“I wonder who built these buildings”—There’s a simple thought that might span an interesting area of research to lead somewhere.
“I love the way the cinnamon brings out the chocolate flavor in this cake.” — Now you have an interesting beginning of a realistic description to add texture to your next story.
3. Observe people.
What do you notice? Chances are, it’s not their eye color. Or hair color. Unless it’s super obvious for some reason. New writers tend to overplay the physical characteristics when describing characters. It’s more effective to describe characters in the way that they actually appear. For example, I just glanced out the window and a man walked by. This is how it struck me— “He strode with purpose, his arm swinging aggressively at his side.” That conveys much more than his eyes were blue. Besides, were they? I have no idea. He was across the street. Eye color implies intimacy. You have to be close to someone to notice. If you mention eye color, let it be for a specific and special reason.
4. Look up hashtags on Twitter.
#amwriting, #writetip, #amediting, #pubtip, #querytip, #amquerying
Those are a few helpful hashtags where you may find some useful information.
5. Write something.
Maybe it’s a sentence. Maybe it’s a paragraph. If it’s one page or fifty, writing is what makes you a writer. Go on then. Write.
My best to you all,
For personalized help from a writing consultant and editing services for writers, visit Extra Ink Edits.