July 22, 2014

Literary Characters to the Rescue! Stranded on a deserted island. It’s a common theme in literature and TV, inspiring thrillers with outlandish characters (Polar bears on Lost, anyone?) as well as pages in my high school English journal (Who else scrutinized the meaning of the conch shell in Lord of the Flies?). Today’s theme is…

July 15, 2014

Photo from The Broke and the Bookish  Hello! Today’s Top 10 Tuesday from the Broke and the Bookish is about another form of media than books. So, here are my top 10 favorite TV shows currently in no particular order. (Currently doesn’t mean they are presently on air.) 1. History Detectives (Also the new History…

July 1, 2014

Image from The Broke and the Bookish  Today’s Top 10 Tuesday is Classic Fiction. I love classic fiction and read a lot of it. Therefore, I could not confine myself to 10. Here are 12. There are many other wonderful classic pieces, but these ones jumped out strongest for me to have to include as…

June 3, 2014

Image from The Broke and the Bookish Since I live beside the sea, I suppose that in one way or another, all of my reading is on or at least near the beach. Here then are ten books that I plan to read this summer, in no particular order! 1) The War that Ended Peace–…

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