May 26, 2014

For eight years, while I lived in Germany, I took part in a service project at the Lorraine American Cemetery in Saint-Avold, France through Girl Scouts. It is the largest American cemetery from WWII in Europe and over 10,000 men and women are buried there. The project consisted of laying flags, one American and one…

May 12, 2014

Hello! Words convey meaning, story and importance. In a way, the entirety of a book is dialogue between an author and the readers. More specifically, though, dialogue exists as the conversations between characters and can function both to progress the plot, as well as to color and deepen the characters.The importance of dialogue is illustrated…

April 14, 2014

Hello!I entered Writer’s Digest poetry contest the other day, with my first attempt at a triversen. A triversen is a poem of six stanzas, composed of three lines each, where each stanza creates a sentence. It was developed by the poet William Carlos Williams. Waltz of Light and Sea By: Megan Easley-Walsh April 2014 The…

April 7, 2014

Hello! Reading and writing naturally go together. Not only is reading the effect of a writer’s work, though, but it is also what should proceed writing. Writers are some of the most voracious readers! Here are a few good reasons to read if you’re interested in writing. 1) Reading actively engages the imagination and creates…

March 31, 2014

Hello! Not the cover you’d picture for “It was a dark and stormy night”…. “It was a dark and stormy night…” This is perhaps the most clichéd beginning of a story. It does serve a purpose though. No one expects a story about a dog falling in love with a kitten that begins with a…

March 24, 2014

Hello! Museum Monday is a reoccurring feature that happens on some Mondays on Past is Prologue. Today kicks off Museum Week for over 300 British and European museums, including The British Museum- home to the Rosetta Stone and over eight million other objects! To virtually participate in this exciting week, follow the hashtag on Twitter…

March 17, 2014

May your blessings outnumberThe shamrocks that grow,And may trouble avoid youWherever you go.~Irish Blessing Happy St. Patrick’s Day! 

March 3, 2014

Hello! Frozen’s wins at the Oscars is something I applaud. I enjoyed this movie greatly, more now even than I probably would have if you subtracted twenty years from my age. So, in my Twitter feed today, when I saw Harper Collins’ tweet, “Books for Kids that Loved Frozen” I took a look. That link…

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