Museums and Historical Fiction for Museum Week


Museum Monday is a reoccurring feature that happens on some Mondays on Past is Prologue.

Today kicks off Museum Week for over 300 British and European museums, including The British Museum- home to the Rosetta Stone and over eight million other objects! To virtually participate in this exciting week, follow the hashtag on Twitter #museumweek.

Museums, a source of valuable material for referencing not only non-fiction but also fiction (particularly historical fiction), also offer some insightful pieces of writing advice.

First, the most beloved museums are often the most interactive. Rooms grouped according to country, colossal displays, and hands-on-activities are all some of the ways that visitors are drawn into history. Historical fiction ought to be like that as well, enveloping the reader in another place and time.

Second, even a small object can hold instant interest if it’s connected to a better known historical figure or a well-known event. Characters and settings can spring to life when given a context that readers can relate to or find interesting.

Museums and books both bring history alive. Happy Museum Week!

My best to you all,

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