January 6, 2015

Hello and Happy New Year! Have you made any resolutions for the year? This year I’ve set my Goodreads goal at reading 30 books for the year. It’s important to not just write but also to read as a writer! I’ve also decided to set a couple of writing specific goals. In addition to my…

November 30, 2014

Hello! On the 1st of November, I wrote saying that this year for the first time I was participating in NaNoWriMo. My word count meter showed 0 of 50,000. I’m happy to say that on this last day of November, it now shows that I have successfully completed the NaNoWriMo challenge. Here’s my meter today….

November 27, 2014

Hello! Happy Thanksgiving!I’ve seen a lot about sales happening on Thanksgiving and whether one should go to them. Some people are very adamant. Here are my thoughts. Remember that the best you can give anyone is your time. With that in mind, it’s ok to shop for big sales- it’s great even that Americans are…

November 5, 2014

Hello! Yesterday was election day in the US. No, I’m not a day late. I’m wondering if you’ve voted today. Have you voted to make the most of today?Have you voted to try your best?Have you voted to learn something new?Have you voted to do something good for your health?Have you voted to achieve one…

November 1, 2014

Hello!Today it is cold, rainy and windy- very much a soup kind of a day. It is also officially the first day of NaNoWriMo, where the challenge is set to write 50,000 words during the month of November for a novel. Most finished works tend to be nearer 75,000-90,000 words for the genre that I…

October 31, 2014

Autumn’s Mirth Happy Halloween! Autumn’s Mirth  Whisper wind through Harvest’s door Enchanting with your welcome lure Have you seen the man in wait? Standing by the open gate Crows gather by his feet Waiting for October’s treat Red and yellow  Fall to earth Green and orange Bring Autumn’s mirth Nestled on the lane below Pumpkins…

October 21, 2014

Hello! Autumn’s winds are howling outside today, blowing the leaves down in torrents. On a nature walk the other day, I collected a number of leaves in various hues and then saw a project where roses were crafted from these leaves. I tried it today and am pleased with how they turned out. Have you…

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