Writer Wednesday with Mark Twain

Image of Book Cover for Mark Twain's Notebooks: Journals, Letters, Observations, Wit, Wisdom and Doodles on the Writer Wednesday blog post for Extra Ink EditsHello!
On Writer Wednesday, I discuss another author and his or her book. Today’s pick is Mark Twain’s Notebooks: Journals, Letters, Observations, Wit, Wisdom, and Doodles.

Divided into sections such as family, European travels, and business Mark Twain’s life is shown in this behind-the-scenes book.

One portion I particularly enjoyed was reading Mark Twain’s game that he invented to help his children learn the kings and queens of England. It was complete with Twain’s humorous drawings depicting each member of royalty. Another interesting thing to see was the house plans for Twain’s Connecticut home.

This book is a little bit of everything. Twain’s humor shines through in the lectures that he toured with and in a series of political letters that he wrote as satire about women’s right to vote. Twain was a supporter of enfranchisement. In the letters he remarks on such things as women not wanting to state their true age and so they’d be unable to vote. This ability to laugh at others while spinning a story for them is something that is known in his novels and rings true in these accounts of his life.

My best to you all,

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