Writer Wednesday: The Land Uncharted

It’s time for Writer Wednesday, when I discuss another author and his or her book. Today features Keely Keith, a writer friend of mine, who kindly provided me with an advanced copy of her debut The Land Uncharted. I’m officially in the acknowledgements- yay! 🙂 Thanks, Keely! Make sure to check the links at the bottom if you’d like to pre-order your copy.

So, what is The Land Uncharted about?
Here is the official blurb from Amazon:

Lydia Colburn is a young physician dedicated to serving her village in the Land, a landmass in the South Atlantic Ocean undetectable to the outside world. When injured fighter pilot Connor Bradshaw’s parachute carries him from the war engulfing the 2025 world to her hidden land, his presence threatens her plans, her family, and the survival of her preindustrial society. As Connor searches for a way to return to his squadron, his fascination with life in the Land makes him protective of Lydia and her peaceful homeland, and Lydia’s attraction to Connor stirs desires she never anticipated. Written like a historical, set like a scifi, and filled with romance, The Land Uncharted weaves adventure and love in this suspenseful story of a hidden land.

Imagine Lost (without the crazy polar bears or experiments) plus Little House on the Prairie plus Doctor Quinn: Medicine Woman plus Wonder Woman and Major Trevor (without the super powers). That will give you some indication of this mash-up genre creation. In other words, The Land Uncharted, written in narrative style instead of close, is reminiscent of watching the action of a television show in its bird’se-sye view of the characters. This allows for an expansive view across time and the vastness of the island. Intrigue is added through secrets of the past including the founders and a hidden book and the pressing need of a world at war in the near future of 2025.
As well as being a writer, Keely is also a bassist and that steady unhurried rhythm carries the story, uniting its various elements throughout. This mix of genres also creates a cross-time feel. For example, while Lydia’s male relations and great-aunt seem firmly set as 19th century characters, her sister has the feel of a modern teenager. As for Connor? He seems like a navigator who had his sights set on something and found something entirely different than he expected.

Would you like to discover The Land Uncharted? If so, follow the links below!

My best to you all,

Pre-order for October 21st:


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