Writer Wednesday: Paris 1919

It’s time for “Writer Wednesday”, when I discuss another author and his or book.

Paris 1919 grabbed me from the minute I saw it on the bookshelves. History, especially of international relations, has been my focus of study for a long time. When possible, I include story lines into my novels around such topics.

In 1919, with the atrocities of World War behind them, the statesmen of the world turned to Paris to make the peace. Although those were their intentions, the lines on the map that they drew forged new boundaries and set the lines of dynamite on a timeline. Those time bombs are still exploding- from WWII, the Balkans and into the lines of the Middle East.

Margaret MacMillan, the author, is also the great-granddaughter of David Lloyd George, offering insight into the times that others would not have.

If you are interested not only in history, but also in the effects of the past on the present, Paris 1919 is a fascinating read.

Past is prologue.

My best to you all,

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