Writer Wednesday- July 1914


On Writer Wednesday, I discuss another author and his or her book. Today’s pick is July 1914: Countdown to War by Sean McMeekin. 101 years ago, WWI blazed across Europe, igniting the world in conflict of monumental proportions, producing disastrous consequences, and unleashing mechanization and horrors that the world had hitherto unknown.

But before all that, there were choices. Lots of choices. There were heads of states and governments, agreements, cousins with devotion torn between their love of each other and their duty to their countries. While some would argue that August 1914, the bombast of battle, was inevitable after the spark of the assassination of Franz Ferdinand in June, McMeekin illustrates the many avenues and turning points that might have occured instead.

One very interesting turn is that Franz Ferdinand’s car literally turned a corner that changed the outcome of that fateful day. Explaining in detail the build-up to the day in June and then following all the way through July into August, with each of the major nations discussed, there’s a fascinating story that unfolds. Full of detail, this book unfolds at a gripping pace with a host of colorful characters. I highly recommend this- if you are interested in history and want to learn more about this shaping chapter of our world.

My best to you all,

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