It’s time for Writer Wednesday when I discuss another author and his or her book. Today’s feature is Jane Austen Made Me Do It, which is really a collection of short stories rather than a single novel. Each story, all written by different authors, is inspired by one of Jane Austen’s novels or her life itself. Some of them are continuations, imagining what happened after Pride and Prejudice or Persuasion. Another imagines Jane Austen at work, speaking with her nieces. Other stories re-imagine Jane Austen for the contemporary reader by placing her within our times.
What’s so interesting about this book is that it shows how Jane Austen’s stories have been taken into the hearts and the minds of her readers for generations and they have made the stories and the characters their own. One story even looks at how characters are re-imagined and no longer just part of Ms. Austen’s stories and examines the implications of that. That was particularly entertaining!
As readers, it is important to have a character that makes an impact in some way. Viewing what makes a character or plot timeless, such as Jane Austen’s work, was discussed in Monday’s post The Importance of Reading for Writers, which gives seven reasons it’s important to read as a writer. As a writer, befriending characters in need of an author, it is my hope that my characters will also find a place in the minds and the hearts of my readers.
My best to you all,