Top Ten Tuesday: Top Ten Books for Readers who like History!

From The Broke and the Bookish
Hello! Today’s Top Ten Tuesday, from The Broke and the Bookish is Top Ten Books for Readers Who Like _______. For my fill in the blank, I’ve chosen History! If you like history, have you read these? What else would you add to the list? The books below are in no particular order. 

 This book takes an extremely long view of history, beginning millions of years ago and expands into the future. It examines both the west and the east and how their different developments have led to the balance of power at various points in history. 
This is more than just the story of the Jewish people. This is life across the middle east and  Europe, the interactions of the Jews with Christians and Muslims, the various ideas that developed and the history of us all. 

Washington, part man, part legend. This book delves into every aspect of Washington’s life, from his birth through his lasting legacy.

Every author is influenced by his or her world So too was the case of the playwright, Shakespeare. In this book, objects from Renaissance England are re-examined in their context to Shakespeare. 

Every nation’s history is unique. Often, we learn the histories of the nations through a single author, though. In this masterful work, the history of each country is told by a writer from that particular country. 

 100 Objects to tell the history of the world- that’s the goal that is laid out in this fascinating work. Each object is from the collections of the British Museum, in London. From 2 million years into the past through to the present, a human story unfolds in the pages. 

The English influence in Ireland is well-known. Less people know of Ireland’s Viking heritage. 1014 examines the Battle of Clontarf, outside of Dublin, and the clash of Vikings versus Irish. Not all is as simple as this, though, for Ireland was divided into regions which led to interesting alliances and a drive to determine who would rule the lands of Ireland. 

 World War I. Its atrocities still shock us. Its aftermath led to the seeds of WWII. Prior to its start, though, the world was a different place. Decisions, alliances, and entangled events interfered with a peaceful life. 
 Paris 1919. When WWI was over, peace talks in Paris set about making reparations and determining what lands needed to be redistributed. The wrongs of the war were supposed to be corrected. In the decisions undertaken, though, our world is continued to be shaped. 

Everything one could want to know about being a Victorian (particularly the every day Victorian, rather than the royal or high society) is examined in this book. From washing, to food, to fashion to school, it’s all here.

My best to you all,

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