Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Books that are different from what I usually read that I enjoyed in the last year

Today’s Top Ten Tuesday from The Broke and the Bookish is top ten books I’ve read recently (within the last year) that I enjoyed that are different from what I usually read.

These are in no particular order.

1. Book: Skipping Christmas by John Grisham

Why is it different than normal? This was my first John Grisham.

Why I liked it: I read this in December and it was nice to see the layers of sorting through the real meaning of Christmas.

2. Book: Dubliners by James Joyce

Why was this different?This was my first James Joyce. I live in Ireland. I had to read Joyce.

Why I liked it: A weaving of several characters from across Dublin came together in an interesting way and I was able to picture many of the places described.

3: Book: Attachments by Raibow Rowell

Why is this different? This story was in the recent past (1999) and is different from an era I usually read about. Emails also played an integral part in this story

Why I liked it: There was an instant friendliness in the characters, as if they were people you really could know- even if you didn’t directly relate to them.

4. Book: The Trumpet of the Swan by E.B. White

Why is this different? This book is middle grade. haven’t read much MG since I was MG and um, was it even called it then?

Why I liked it: My grandparents sent this book, because we have a family of swans that live very near to us. This story, by the author of Charlotte’s Web, is hilarious. I loved the illustrations. Also, I read a lot of history. Some of it is very heavy. It was nice to smile with this charming swan.

5. Book: The Spy who Came in from the Cold by John LeCarre

Why is this different? I read classics, but not usually mid-20th century classics.

Why I liked it: I read this, because I was intrigued by the title. There was a lot of suspense in this book and it flew along.

6. Book: Weather Eye by Brendan McWilliams

Why is this different? This was a collection of news columns related to the weather and its phenomena.

Why I liked it: I’m the daughter of a science teacher who was previously a meteorologist for over twenty-five years. This was also Ireland-specific and written in an informative and interesting way.

7.  Book: From 0 to Infinity in 26 Centuries: the Extraordinary Story of Maths by Chris Waring

Why is this different? This was short bursts, rather than a long narrative history of a subject.

Why I liked it: This was written by a math teacher and I’m married to one. I like math. I just don’t read about it a lot. Although some of it I knew already, there were enough interesting pieces to teach me something new.

8. Book: The Little Paris Bookshop by Nina George

Why is this different? I thought that this was a story about a book shop in Paris and literary prescriptions. I was intrigued! It was, but it was also more of a romance than literary or historical, which makes it something different from what I usually read. And it’s also a contemporary book that is in translation. Most translated works I read are older.

Why I liked it: The story was engaging and the journey of Jean Perdu was enlightening. Most of all, I liked the vivid imagery of the story and the literary style of the writing.

9. Book: The Dress Shop of Dreams by Menna Van Praag

Why is this different? I’ve read magical realism before, but this felt different enough to include on this list. It’s a mash-up of mystery, magical realism, literary, a little romance and everything tied together beautifully.

Why I liked it: I’ve included this on several top ten lists before because I loved it so much. I don’t like dangling story lines. Menna Van Praag tied the stories together in one of the most beautifully- accomplished ways that I’ve read.

10.  Book: I Never Knew that About Ireland by Christopher Winn

Why was it different? This is a trivia style book. I often uncover trivia when reading and read aloud passages or facts, but I don’t often read cover-to-cover trivia books.

Why I liked it: There were so many interesting stories and titbits in this book. I especially enjoyed it, since it’s about Ireland and, as mentioned above, I live here.

What books have you enjoyed that are different from what you usually read? Have you read any of these? For that matter, what type of books do you usually read?
My best to you all,

Recent Comments

  • Connie Keller
    February 23, 2016 - 6:31 pm · Reply

    I read four of the novels you've mentioned here: The Little Paris Bookshop, Skipping Christmas, The Trumpet of the Swan, and The Spy Who Came in from the Cold. (They were out of my normal reading genres too). I thought they were good reads. Just finished reading another book out of my normal genres–Mistborn, which is fantasy. My son bought it for me and I really enjoyed it.

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