Top Ten Tuesday: Bookworm Delights

Image of Top Ten Tuesday from Blog of Writing Consultant and Editor of Extra Ink Edits providing editing services for writers
Today’s Top Ten Tuesday, from The Broke and the Bookish, is top ten bookworm delights! 
Here are mine, in no particular order…

Tea Time Smiling Teacup Gif from Top Ten Tuesday: Bookworm Delights from Blog of Writing Consultant and Editor of Extra Ink Edits providing editing services for writers

1. Reading at the beach

2. Drinking the perfect cup of tea with a book

3. Falling in love with a new book

4. Rereading a book and falling in love all over again

5. Reading in the perfect chair as the rain hits the windows

6. When someone tells you how much they enjoyed the book you recommended

7. Amazing bookmarks

8. The rush of excitement when you figure out what’s going to happen

9. The thrill of being shocked by the author when there’s a twist

Book Pages Turning Gif from Top Ten Tuesday: Bookworm Delights from Blog of Writing Consultant and Editor of Extra Ink Edits providing editing services for writers10. Beautiful old books and wonderful new books

… and above all, that there are always more books to find and delight in.

What are your bookworm delights?

My best to you all,

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