Top Ten Autumn Delights


I love seasons. There’s something so exciting about each season having its own celebrations, events, foods and holidays.

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powered by TinyLetterThis month’s letter features an autumn poem, a writing tip and an exploration of historical harvesting.

On today’s Top Ten Tuesday, I’m discussing top ten autumn delights. These are in no particular order.

1. Atmospheric books and movies
The chill in the air lends itself to an air of mystery, a thrill of magic. In the autumn, I like to dive into these types of movies and books, to include Sherlock Holmes, fairy tale retellings and more!

2. Beautiful Leaves
I love the way nature paints the leaves each autumn. I especially am a fan of when several colors are all within the same leaf.

3. Pumpkin Spice
Pumpkins, nutmeg, cinnamon. There’s something about their fragrance and taste that automatically signals autumn is here again.

4. Apples
Apples on the trees in the orchards and apples baked into beautiful pies, cakes or breads. Apples, apples, apples everywhere!

5. Chill in the air, fog and mist
I love sunshine. In Ireland, we receive a lot of rain. A lot. The weather can be forgiven though, when it helps to heighten the atmosphere for the books and movies that I mentioned above.

6. Harvest
Bales of hay, harvest vegetables, harvest fairs and celebrations… There are so many wonderful celebrations of harvest leading up to Thanksgiving in November.

7. Night Sky
The night sky is beautiful year-round. In Ireland, being so high north, we have long days of light in the summer. In the autumn, it becomes dark enough to see the stars again in their brilliance. I also especially love seeing the harvest moons.

8. Birthdays
There are several birthdays for my family in September, October and November. Autumn also brings Rosh Hashanah, the birth of the Jewish new year. There is something of a new beginning in the autumn for all of us.

9. On a personal note, my wedding anniversary is in the autumn!

10. Halloween
Bobbing for apples, carving pumpkins, dressing up, reading The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, and watching classic Universal movies like Frankenstein, Dracula and The Wolf Man are a few of the ways I celebrate Halloween.

What are your favorite autumn delights?

My best to you all,

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