Top 10 Websites for Writers

For today’s Top Ten Tuesday, I’m bringing you top ten websites for writers. These are in no particular order of rating.

1) Preditors and Editors– Here you can find which agents and publishers are legitimate and which have warnings.

2) Association of Authors’ Representatives (USA) and Association of Authors’ Agents (UK) – Not all good agents are members of these organizations, but the rules to be a part of them are strict and so if an agent is a member then his/her reputation is safe.

3) Specific Agency Websites- After you’ve found an agency that you’re interested in, consult the specific agent’s website in order to find the most up-to-date information of how to submit, if submissions are closed or opened and wishlists. Wishlists bring us to number 4…

4) Manuscript Wishlist – This great site, put together by Jessica Sinsheimer of the Sarah Jane Freymann agency and of the hashtags #mswl and #pubtalktv as well as KK Hendin (@KKHendin), is a listing of wishlists from agents. The database is searchable, so you can find exactly who is searching for your YA pirate adventure, your WWII memoir or your dystopia spy stories- or anything else you’ve written!

5) AbsoluteWrite– This is a forum for writers to discuss agencies, writing techniques, advertising, advice, self-publishing and anything else that you can think of that’s related to the writing world.

6) Query Tracker– You’ve sent a query. Great! You’ve gotten a request! Wohoo!! Now you have to wait… But just how long do you have to wait? Query Tracker provides stats from writers who have been in your shoes, so you can have a better idea of what to expect.

7) Publishers Marketplace– There is a paid version of Publishers Marketplace, where you can enroll to see the details of recent publication deals. There’s also a free daily newsletter and weekly newsletter called Publishers Lunch. This sends you information on the major stories of the publishing world, when agents have changed to new agencies, when editors have adopted new jobs and deals.

8) Grammar Girl– Need an easy guide for grammar specifics? This is the website.

9) Twitter – Social media is often cited as a source of procrastination, but it’s a great resource for connecting with writers, agents, and editors. Remember to be professional and not to approach agents or publishers directly through Twitter. It is a way though to learn more about others, to strike up friendships and to learn helpful information. There are also several contests to get agents’ attention.

10) Extra Ink Edits – Need help with your query? How about the dreaded synopsis? Need to polish your submission package? Or, maybe you want to have a professional review your opening pages or your full manuscript. Pricing from only $0.012 per word.

My best to you all,

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