Top 10 Tuesday: Ten Books I’ve Added to my To-be-Read List Recently


On today’s Top Ten Tuesday, from The Broke and the Bookish, is ten books I’ve recently added to my to-be-read list.

1. Book: Flight Before Dawn
By: Me!

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2. The next books… Flight Before Dawn is the first of over ten new releases to be launched in the coming months. I’m busy at work on the various proofing and editing stages for those! For the most up-to-date information consider joining my newsletter. It’s full of seasonal fun, writing tips and all things reading!

3. Your writing… I also help others through my editing at Extra Ink Edits.

4. Title: Mansfield Park
Author: Jane Austen
Why I picked it: It’s the last of Jane Austen’s for me to read.

Books 5-9, I picked up at a bargain book charity event recently. I was able to purchase all five of them for a combined total of €1!

5. Title: Two Brothers

Author: Ben Elton
Why I picked it up: It’s historical fiction, set in Berlin in WWII.

6. Title: The Messenger
Author: Daniel Silva
Why I picked it up: I love art history and I’m intrigued by the idea of an art history spy. Although this is part of a series, I haven’t read the others before. I’ve been curious about this series.
(Also, this book is hardback and still had its €28 sticker on it!)

7. Title: The Secret Keeper
Author: Kate Morton
Why I picked it up: Secrets. Secrets that span generations through history… sounded intriguing!

8. Title: The Paying Guests 
Author: Sarah Waters    
Why I picked it up: I haven’t actually read anything by Sarah Waters before, but of course I know of her and I remember reading about The Paying Guests when it was on Publishers Lunch (a literary email for those in the industry…)

9. Title: L is for Lawless
Author: Sue Grafton
Why I picked it up: The key on the cover intrigued me. Sue Grafton is another author on this list that I’ve not read before. The back of the book described secrets and WWII. That’s a combination that I find intriguing in my reading and in my own writing.

10. Something seaonsal- I always pick up a book that is related somehow to the season. I’m considering Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan this year. It’s a work that many early Americans read and, although not about American pilgrims, the idea of journeying forward on a path of faith is very in line with the pilgrims.

My best to you all,

Recent Comments

  • Connie Keller
    November 8, 2016 - 3:43 pm · Reply

    I'm in the midst of reading Flight Before Dawn. 🙂

    I've read Mansfield Park–it's very different from Austen's other novels. I'm not fond of it, but my daughter loves it.

    As for Silva, I'm a big fan of his novels. (My husband and I just finished his newest book, The Black Widow, which we did as a read aloud.) I hope you enjoy the one you're reading.

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