Museum Monday- National Gallery London


It’s time for another Museum Monday. The National Gallery in London is a fantastic (and free!) place to visit. There are also wonderful resources available online for when the famous red double deckers aren’t whizzing past you.

Want to quickly see 30 great masterpieces of western art including Canaletto, van Gogh, Constable and Turner? Here’s a great desk side tour.

Many people are now interested in podcasts as well and the National Gallery of London hosts a monthly podcast, discussing not only art in the gallery but also cultural elements of the time.

Paintings, not only for their artistic beauty, are great resources for writers and anyone wanting to learn more about a particular time period. Fashion, the way a city looked, and even the values of a society (through the symbolism and central focus of the art) are all evident within art. Just like pieces of literature, art also provides layers of meaning and purpose that can be rewarding to uncover. 

My best to you all,

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