Museum Monday at the Louvre


It’s time for Museum Monday. On occasion, Mondays are devoted to the exploration of history and art through museums.

Museums are incredible places, not just to visit but to research. Ideas for books can spark from the tiniest object or the mention of a person and cause an author to have a flood of ideas. For art and history enthusiasts in general, museums open their arms for a grand welcome. In case you can’t tell, I love museums!

The Louvre is an amazing place- an amazing place that is HUGE! Even if you visit in person, chances are very high that you won’t see everything. For today’s Museum Monday let’s take a tour of the Louvre via their website– or how about 27? Yes, that’s right. The website offers 27 distinct trails based on themes for visitors to discover.

Some of the trails offer overviews of the museum such as “Masterpieces” or “From Palace to Museum” that chronicles how the Louvre shifted from the palace of kings, where even Leonardo daVinci stayed, to the museum that we know today. There are also more specialist tours. Interested in horses, why not see the “On Horsback through the Louvre” tour? If you’re interested in gastronomy, there’s “The Art of Eating” tour. Others include Alexander the Great, the Renaissance, Medieval, and Delacoix. There are also specialist tours devoted to Christmas (two of them) and to the theme of Love. The tours range from 1 hour to 3. Of course, these are the times for in person visits to the museum. If you are visiting via the website, as we are today, then you could easily go on all the tours in a matter of minutes.

History awaits.

My best to you all,

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