June 14, 2017

Have you heard the good news? Macmillan is expanding my ebook distribution!To celebrate it, What Edward Heard is currently on sale for only $1.99! Amazon Kindle Barnes & Noble Nook Apple Ibooks Kobo Google Play Have you joined my newsletter? Enter your email address powered by TinyLetter

June 13, 2017

Easley. It’s a last name that’s not so common. In fact, in the United States, Easley can be traced to one ancestor. He arrived in the colony of Virginia in the early 1600s and was a French Huguenot. The family can be traced into Switzerland and they were silk merchants. Is this sounding familiar? If…

April 26, 2017

Hello! On Writer Wednesday, I discuss another author and his or her book. Today’s pick is The Secret Keeper by Kate Morton. This was one of five books that I picked up in a charity sale for €1. That’s for all 5! (Current exchange rate makes that $1.09. This was the first book by Kate…

January 30, 2017

Hello! It’s Monday and Tips from a Writing Consultant day!Today, I’d like to share with you an easy way to add more authenticity to your writing. Specifically, I am dealing with historical fiction, as that is the primary genre that I write. It’s obvious to readers that nonfiction requires much research on the part of the…

December 19, 2016

Hello! I was interviewed on Pretty-Hot! Here’s the complete interview. It explores my writing influences, the story behind my recent release and more! My best to you all,Megan

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