July 3, 2022

Free Kindle for a very short time!  Your reviews and ratings are much appreciated! This 4th of July, journey through time with the Renaissance painting that carries the voices of the past. Renaissance Venice, the American Revolution, World War One England, and much more! When Edward returns from the trenches of the Western Front, he begins…

November 8, 2020

On this Remembrance Sunday, for the UK and Ireland, and in the week where Veterans’ Day will be celebrated, I’m thinking of when the guns lay silent after World War One. Edward, in my novel What Edward Heard, speaks to the struggles of the Western Front and trying to readjust when he returned home.  …

October 23, 2020

Hello! I hope you are well. Ireland’s forests are beautiful in the autumn, full of color. As I was walking through the forest earlier this week, I was reminded of these lines from What Edward Heard. They are the beginning of chapter two, when we first meet Edward. The Western Front, France, Autumn 1916 In…

May 23, 2018

Today is Arthur Conan Doyle’s birthday! Martin, a blind WWI veteran and friend of Edward in WHAT EDWARD HEARD, has a special love for Sherlock Holmes and must draw upon it when Clara is accused of a shocking crime. Clara, a factory worker, becomes the victim of amnesia during an accident, throwing her into difficulty…

December 5, 2017

Hello! I’m very excited to share with you something that has been in the works over the past few months… Fantastic news! What Edward Heard, my second novel, is now available in audio book! If you have an Audible subscription, pick it up for free. My narrator Robert Anderson has done a marvelous job of…

November 10, 2017

Hello, Veterans day: A day to remember those who fought. It comes with yellow ribbons, free menu items, a lot of “thank you for your service” mentions. At least in the USA, it does. In the UK, it’s poppies pressed into buttonholes by news’ presenters and laying of wreaths to honor the sacrifices. In Ireland,…

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