December 16, 2013

Hello! Last week, I discussed helpful websites in author gifts. Today I would like to discuss three traditional Christmas gifts presented by the magi and their application for writing. Gold– Gold is beautiful, instantly attracting attention but it is also very valuable. Author Translation: A story must have a hook, to catch the attention of…

December 9, 2013

Hello! ‘Tis the season of giving- For all fellow authors, these websites are valuable and I hope that they will help you on your writing journey. 1) AbsoluteWriteAbsolutewrite is a writing community comprised of several forums and it offers information on all stages of the writing process- from grammar to publicity. 2) QuerytrackerPart of writing…

December 2, 2013

Hello!Lights! Camera! Movies! In addition to my own writing, I’ve taught a writing class and thought I’d offer a few Hollywood inspired tips today. Movies and books often go together, but I’m not talking about Hollywood’s versions of the best sellers today. Instead, I’m talking about the inspiration that authors can gain from movies. It’s…

November 25, 2013

Last week, I started my discussion of Thanksgiving talking about Jamestown, VA. Today, the story progresses.  In 1606, the same year that the authorization of Jamestown happened, pilgrims began congregating and worshipping in the town of Scrooby, while still in England. Facing threat, they fled to Leiden, the Netherlands. Why did they leave Leiden? Their…

November 18, 2013

Plymouth. That is where the pilgrims were. Why then am I starting the story of the history of Thanksgiving hundreds of miles south in Virginia? Jamestown, VA was the first permanent English settlement in “the New World” and was established in 1607. Aside from being in Virginia instead of Massachusetts, what were the major differences…

November 11, 2013

Today, we pause to remember the veterans. On the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month in 1918, the guns of the first world war fell silent in armistice. War that had entangled the world because of a series of diplomatic treaties forever changed the landscape of the European fields and trenches…

November 4, 2013

Hello! NaNoWriMo Other than alphabet soup, what exactly does this mean? National Novel Writing Month Each November, people try their hand at writing a novel (or, at least 50,000 words) within the month. Personally, I’ve not participated in NaNoWriMo, but it did get me thinking about how I got my start in writing, since this…

October 28, 2013

Autumn’s Mirth  Whisper wind through Harvest’s door Enchanting with your welcome lure Have you seen the man in wait? Standing by the open gate Crows gather by his feet Waiting for October’s treat Red and yellow  Fall to earth Green and orange Bring Autumn’s mirth Nestled on the lane below Pumpkins wait in twilight’s glow…

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