July 5, 2013

Hello!It’s time for Friday Fun!Like bricks for a builder, letters exist as the foundations for writing. To the right are the runes (letters) of the Vikings. Often depicted as raiders, Vikings did also build settlements and made contributions to society. A number of Viking words are now part of our language.A few of them are:…

June 28, 2013

Hello! It’s time for Friday Fun! Do you want to have some fun, learn something and help others?  Free Rice  allows you to do this. Pick a subject from vocabulary, literature, paintings, chemistry, geography, math and many others. For each correct answer you give, you will earn 10 grains of rice. After a few successful rounds,…

June 21, 2013

John Simmons (1823-1876), “Hermia and Lysander” Hello!It’s time for Friday Fun!Today is the Summer Solstice, which means 2 things to me1. the longest day of light in the year2. Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s DreamIn honor of the day, here’s a couple of excerpts from the play.Fairy     Over hill, over dale,     Thorough bush, thorough…

June 14, 2013

Hello! It’s time for Friday Fun! Have you ever wondered where the phrase “a good square meal” came from? Or how about, “the upper crust“? These phrases are connected and come from the Medieval table. Pull up a stool, to a time before forks were used in Europe. Forks were first introduced from Byzantium (who…

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