February 17, 2017

Hello! Flight Before Dawn, my first novel, is a story of resistance. At its heart this is easy enough to determine. It’s set in Normandy, France during WWII. History remembers Normandy for what happened on the beaches in June of 1944, on D-Day and in the days after, but Victoire’s story through the pages of…

January 30, 2017

Hello! It’s Monday and Tips from a Writing Consultant day!Today, I’d like to share with you an easy way to add more authenticity to your writing. Specifically, I am dealing with historical fiction, as that is the primary genre that I write. It’s obvious to readers that nonfiction requires much research on the part of the…

December 19, 2016

Hello! I was interviewed on Pretty-Hot! Here’s the complete interview. It explores my writing influences, the story behind my recent release and more! My best to you all,Megan

November 14, 2016

Hello!  Today’s the day! Flight Before Dawn launches around the world today!  As we celebrate its launch into the world, I’d like to show you the behind the scenes journey of a book.  It begins with an idea. For me, this was sparked by my visit to Normandy when I lived in Germany.  These postcards…

November 11, 2016

Hello! Today is Veterans Day and also Remembrance Day. I grew up in an Air Force family and thus know many veterans. When I lived in Germany during high school, we participated in a service project each Memorial Day where we decorated the graves of the largest American cemetery in Europe from WWII with a…

November 8, 2016

Hello! On today’s Top Ten Tuesday, from The Broke and the Bookish, is ten books I’ve recently added to my to-be-read list.1. Book: Flight Before DawnBy: Me! If you’d like to add your Thunderclap support to help spread the word, I’d be grateful. Thanks! 2. The next books… Flight Before Dawn is the first of…

November 7, 2016

Hello!One week from today, Flight Before Dawn launches! Cliffs at Etretat in Normandy As part of the continuing behind the scenes tour, today I’d like to explore the theme of why Normandy… Flight Before Dawn begins in Normandy in 1943. For many, Normandy is iconic for WWII. Those memories and thoughts usually focus around D-Day….

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