November 1, 2015

Hello! NaNoWriMo is National Novel Writing Month which takes place each November. Happy November to you! Happy Writing if you are participating or if you’re not! My best to you all,Megan

October 26, 2015

Hello!It’s time for Trick-or-Treat and what better treat is there than a good book? This is what’s in my bag of books for what I’ve read these past few months… August: National Geographic August issue Luncheon of the Boating Party by Susan Vreeland Someday, Someday, Maybe by Lauren Graham Dubliners by James Joyce Maisie Dobbs…

October 13, 2015

Hello!For today’s Top Ten Tuesday, I’m bringing you top ten websites for writers. These are in no particular order of rating. 1) Preditors and Editors– Here you can find which agents and publishers are legitimate and which have warnings. 2) Association of Authors’ Representatives (USA) and Association of Authors’ Agents (UK) – Not all good…

September 25, 2015

Hello! I <3 Snoopy. He’s a writer too! It looks as if he might need a bit of help, though. Perhaps, he’s in search of an editor. And here I am, as a Peanuts character with Snoopy! If you want to make your own Peanuts character, visit here. My best to you all, Megan

September 21, 2015

Hello! My editing business is called Extra Ink Edits. Why? More than just having red ink applied to your manuscript (characteristic big marks to draw your attention to glaring errors) I believe in helping you improve your writing. I’ve taught writing and I understand that you have to show writers what they’re doing well (or…

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