Book Blast! The Legacy by Necole Ryse


Today, I’m taking part in a Book Blast for author Necole Ryse and her novel, The Legacy. In full disclosure, I should note that I have not read this book.

The Legacy

by Necole Ryse

Nineteen-year-old Raevyn Jones has never worn a designer gown. She’s never had access to unlimited champagne or chauffeured limo rides. But when she is dropped in the midst of the Black Ivy League—against her will—she has to pretend that everything is normal, as if she belongs. When her new friends start to question her sketchy past and her shaky legacy at Benjamin Wallace Fitzgerald University, Raevyn realizes she will have to rely on her street smarts more than ever before. Raevyn starts to receive cryptic text messages and emails from an anonymous sender and she soon discovers that not only does someone want her to leave B.W.Fitz–someone also wants to end her life.

Available now!                                 


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About the author:
Necole Ryse graduated from Towson University with Bachelor’s Degree in Mass Communications. Bored
with life as an adult, Necole decided to follow her dreams to write
fiction and she hasn’t looked back. She enjoys chocolate covered
pretzels, Criminal Minds marathons, and all things Harry Potter.

Be sure to join me tomorrow for Writer Wednesday and the exciting, roaring ’20’s!

My best to you all,

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