Book Blast for New Release! Reverie by Christina Yother


Today, I’m taking part in a Book Blast for author Christina Yother and her novel, Reverie. In full disclosure, I should note that I have not read this book. If you’d like the opportunity to read it, though, see the details of the exciting photo contest at the bottom! 
by Christina Yother
Orphaned at a young age Hetty is convinced that her circumstances make her unworthy of having a family of her own. When a job opportunity as a housekeeper presents itself Hetty accepts believing that working for Isaac Wheeler and his family is a welcome, if not temporary, surrogate for her own family dreams. As she’s faced with learning to trust she discovers that wanting a family and building a family are two very different things. Will she learn to see herself as worthy of God’s gifts? Or will she return to the solitary existence that defined so much of her life?
Isaac Wheeler, successful furniture maker and dishonorable bachelor, finds Hetty’s presence in his home to be disturbing and a haunting reminder of his past sins. As he struggles with his growing and unwanted feelings, he can’t help but torment himself with mistakes from his past. Can he navigate the family tensions, infidelity, and sudden choices destined to keep them apart? Or can Isaac endure each struggle and seek forgiveness before discovering what truly makes a family?
Available now: Amazon 
About the Author:
Christina Yother is a historical and contemporary romance writer. She has been involved with writing, blogging, and social media for several years and earned a PhD in 2012 by writing one of the first dissertations to explore how women build community through writing online. She lives in small-town Georgia with her husband and three children.You can find her writing at or at where she runs a submission-based collaborative writing blog that celebrates the smaller voices in the blogging community.
Christina love to connect with readers!

Contest Time! 


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