December 25, 2013

Hello! It’s time for Writer Wednesday, when I discuss another author and his or her book. For December, I am talking about some seasonal greats.A Christmas Carol, remade many times for movies and tv, stands in its most perfect form in the printed words of Charles Dickens. It is many things: a glimpse into Victorian…

December 23, 2013

Each year I write a Christmas poem.  I was requested to read this year’s poem at a carol and lesson service yesterday.  Today, I am sharing it with you.  Watching for the Christmas Star By: Megan Easley-Walsh  Christmas 2013 Will you watch for the Christmas star?Will you remember that it’s not so far? From the…

December 20, 2013

Hello!It’s time for Friday Fun! Many of the customs of Christmas come from the Victorians. Christmas trees first appeared in Germany, but Prince Albert, Queen Victoria’s husband, brought them to England and they soon became widespread in the Anglo-American world. Christmas cards also were a Victorian invention. If you’d like to make some Victorian Christmas…

December 18, 2013

Hello!It’s time for Writer Wednesday, when I discuss another author and his or her book. For December, I am discussing books of the season. The Biblical Christmas story is well-known, but Susan Fish gives it a new angle in Seeker of Stars. She writes about a young weaver, interested in astronomy and his journey- through his past,…

December 16, 2013

Hello! Last week, I discussed helpful websites in author gifts. Today I would like to discuss three traditional Christmas gifts presented by the magi and their application for writing. Gold– Gold is beautiful, instantly attracting attention but it is also very valuable. Author Translation: A story must have a hook, to catch the attention of…

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