March 26, 2014

Hello!It’s time for Writer Wednesday when I discuss another author and his or her book. I have consciously been aware of media influencing what I read two times.1) I read The Picture of  Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde, because of James Blunt’s Tears and Rain: “Hides my true shape, like Dorian Gray.” 2) I read…

March 24, 2014

Hello! Museum Monday is a reoccurring feature that happens on some Mondays on Past is Prologue. Today kicks off Museum Week for over 300 British and European museums, including The British Museum- home to the Rosetta Stone and over eight million other objects! To virtually participate in this exciting week, follow the hashtag on Twitter…

March 19, 2014

Hello!It’s time for Writer Wednesday, when I discuss another author and his or her work. Today, we’re stepping into ancient Greece to sit down with Plato. Only, this book isn’t anything like ordinary Plato. Think philosophy plus super heroes! Think clever cartoons generously interspersed throughout the updated lines of the best known philosopher. I have…

March 17, 2014

May your blessings outnumberThe shamrocks that grow,And may trouble avoid youWherever you go.~Irish Blessing Happy St. Patrick’s Day! 

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