June 3, 2014

Image from The Broke and the Bookish Since I live beside the sea, I suppose that in one way or another, all of my reading is on or at least near the beach. Here then are ten books that I plan to read this summer, in no particular order! 1) The War that Ended Peace–…

May 26, 2014

For eight years, while I lived in Germany, I took part in a service project at the Lorraine American Cemetery in Saint-Avold, France through Girl Scouts. It is the largest American cemetery from WWII in Europe and over 10,000 men and women are buried there. The project consisted of laying flags, one American and one…

May 21, 2014

Hello! It’s time for Writer Wednesday, when I discuss another author and his or her book. Today’s pick is Screwing up Babylon by C.M. Keller. This particular author is a friend of mine that I met through author forums. Besides being a very nice person, she’s an engaging author. Screwing up Babylon is a YA…

May 20, 2014

Image from The Broke and the Bookish Today, I’m participating in “Top Ten Tuesday”, listing ten of my top friendship books. There are several important friendships that feature in Across the River, and my own friends are an important and treasured part of my life. Therefore, this seemed like the perfect Top Ten to participate…

May 14, 2014

Hello!It’s time for Writer Wednesday, when I discuss another author and his or her book. 1014: Brian Boru and the Battle for Ireland by Morgan Llywelyn is a fantastic book about the history of Ireland. In 1014, a massive battle was fought that is now known as the Battle of Clontarf. Vikings in Dublin allied…

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