April 22, 2015

Hello!On today’s Writer Wednesday, I’m discussing the final book, Uncharted Inheritance, in Keely Keith’s trilogy, that she kindly provided me with as an advance review copy. This book explores the story of Bethany, the younger sister to Lydia. In addition, Justin Mercer is still determined to find the hidden island and discover what happened to…

March 25, 2015

Hello!On today’s Writer Wednesday, I’m discussing Quantum: Einstein, Bohr and the Great Debate about the Nature of Reality by Manjit Kumar. The beginning of the twentieth century heralded in a new era for physics. Theoretical physics, mathematical physics and the new branch of quantum mechanics thundered onto the academic scene. In this highly engaging story,…

March 4, 2015

Hello! On Writer Wednesday, I discuss another author and his or her book. Today’s pick is Fangirl by Rainbow Rowell. Fangirl is the first book that I read by Rainbow Rowell and it’s also the first book I’ve read that is part of “new adult” fiction. New adult books rest between traditional adult and young…

February 25, 2015

Hello!It’s time for Writer Wednesday, when I discuss another author and his or her book. Today’s pick is Empire Girls by Suzanne Hayes and Loretta Nyhan. New York City: a place of hopes and dreams. The 1920s: a time of longing for better days than WWI and of evading prohibition. This is the backdrop for…

February 11, 2015

Hello!On Writer Wednesday, I discuss an author and his or her book. Today’s pick is Why the West Rules for Now: the patterns of history and what they reveal about the future by Ian Morris. It’s Valentine’s week. While other blogs are discussing their favorite romance books or their favorite couples, fictional or real, I…

January 28, 2015

Hello!On Writer Wednesday, I discuss an author and his or her book. Today’s pick is the National Geographic Backyard Guide to the Night Sky. Stars have long been admired by humanity. They inspire, offer wishes, illuminate mythological understanding, and now, thanks to ever-improving telescopes- they literally show us windows into the past. Because of red-shifting…

January 21, 2015

Hello! On Writer Wednesday I discuss another author and his or her book. Today I will be discussing Keely Brooke Keith’s second book in the Uncharted series: Uncharted Redemption. Keely kindly provided me with a free advance review copy of her story. For more information about when the book is releasing and where to pre-order,…

December 17, 2014

Hello! It’s time for Writer Wednesday, when I discuss another author and his or her book. Today’s book is The Real Saint Nicholas: Tales of Generosity and Hope from Around the World by Louise Carus. Santa is a popular part of Christmas. Just look in any mall, in several classic Christmas movies or on a…

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