October 24, 2022

Hello! Nature is boasting of all of its beauty here in Ireland. I hope it is equally beautiful wherever you are. My best to you all, Megan    

October 2, 2022

Here are a few photos from my Autumn walk through the forest for the first Sunday of October. How are you enjoying the season? My best to you all, Megan

April 28, 2022

Hello! April and May means bluebell season in Ireland. They’re so incredible to see and fill the forests with beauty. Wishing you an abundance of beauty in your own lives! My best to you all, Megan

April 13, 2022

On a hike on Saturday, I saw the first bluebells of the season! They were earlier than I expected. I look forward to when they carpet the nearby forests. But before then comes cherry blossom season! “The earth laughs in flowers.”– Ralph Waldo Emerson My best to you all, Megan

September 10, 2016

Hello! Happy September to you!I’ve previously mentioned that I enjoy photography. It, like writing, captures a moment in time. Just as writing is a lens through which to see the characters’ lives and the plots they enact, photography is a means of viewing life. I’ve also used photography for research purposes in my writing. This…

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