January 30, 2017

Hello! It’s Monday and Tips from a Writing Consultant day!Today, I’d like to share with you an easy way to add more authenticity to your writing. Specifically, I am dealing with historical fiction, as that is the primary genre that I write. It’s obvious to readers that nonfiction requires much research on the part of the…

January 23, 2017

Hello!A week ago, I launched my third novel: North Star Home! I also recently launched a new website. You can still visit me at www.MeganEasleyWalsh.com for my comprehensive website and at www.ExtraInkEdits.com for all things editing. And of course, you can find me here where I blog. In addition, if you visit www.NewHistoricalFiction.com you’ll have…

January 16, 2017

Today was the day. Red River Rock Falls didn’t know it yet, but Ann Scarlet had chosen this day to make her mark on the town.  It’s launch day! Those lines are from the first page of North Star Home, my third novel and first historical love story. It launches around the world today! About…

January 5, 2017

Hello!I’m excited to share with you the trailer for North Star Home, my third novel, coming January 16th!My best to you all,MeganEbooks are available for pre-order here.

December 31, 2016

I’m looking forward to 2017 and sharing several new upcoming releases with you! The first up is North Star Home, a story of love on the frontier, coming January 16th! If you’d like an advance reader copy to review for free (.epub or .mobi), let me know.My best to you all,Megan

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