February 21, 2014

Hello!It’s time for Friday Fun! In honor of Presidents’ Day this week, here’s a quiz about the presidents. How well do you know them? My best to you all,Megan

January 31, 2014

Hello! It’s time for Friday Fun. Today, we’re looking at the great combination of literature and food. Can you guess what books these plates of food are inspired by? Click here to try.  My best to you all, Megan

January 10, 2014

Map from 1897  Hello!It’s time for Friday Fun! Maps are fascinating! They tell us where we are going and also where we have come from, based upon the design, layout and what is depicted. They determine what is important to a cartographer and by extension, the nation or culture at large. Some of the most…

December 20, 2013

Hello!It’s time for Friday Fun! Many of the customs of Christmas come from the Victorians. Christmas trees first appeared in Germany, but Prince Albert, Queen Victoria’s husband, brought them to England and they soon became widespread in the Anglo-American world. Christmas cards also were a Victorian invention. If you’d like to make some Victorian Christmas…

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