May 8, 2023

  Today VE Day is commemorated, when World War II ended in Europe. Explore the courage, hope, love, and mystery of WWII Europe through the pages of historical fiction. England, France, and Switzerland hang in the balance in these novels!

April 24, 2018

It’s launch day! Readers will know that my novels take place across many time periods. It all began with Flight Before Dawn, with Victoire struggling against occupation from inside of the French Resistance. Painted Faces, my fifth novel, was the next to return to that era. Set in 1938, it foreshadowed what was to come…

March 26, 2018

    Have you heard the news? Framed is launching around the world on April 24th! Find more information about it here. I’m excited for you to meet Anna and discover the many secrets of the mountains! My best to you all, Megan P.S. Did you notice my new website? I’m thrilled to share it…

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