August 24, 2015

Five Questions to ask yourself to help make your writing stronger 1) Have I engaged all senses?Many authors write what can be seen. Have you included taste, touch, sound and smell as well? 2) Are characters speaking in dialogue or monologue?For realistic conversation, make sure that your characters are speaking to each other, not at…

August 13, 2015

Hello!I have some exciting news! Bestselling author Keely Keith, of The Uncharted series, has secured a contract with CrossRiver Media to publish her fourth book next year. Why is this so exciting to me? Besides being very happy for Keely, I was honored to offer my editing expertise to her forthcoming publication: Aboard Providence. Here’s…

July 27, 2015

Hello! Recently I gave tips for when you’ve written too much and need to reduce your word count. Today we’re looking at ways to increase your word count when it’s too low. If you missed reducing your word count, find it here. And for all your editing needs, be sure to visit Extra Ink Edits. …

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