April 28, 2016

Hello!As an editor at Extra Ink Edits, I help to improve others’ writing. In my capacity as a writing teacher for college students, I also helped the students to strengthen their writing and make it more effective. One of the key ways that writers can write stronger is through showing not telling.Show Not Tell. Show…

March 8, 2016

Hello!As an editor, it’s my job to help improve others’ writing. Having taught college writing, I make sure to always point out what’s good in clients’ work as well as what needs improvement. Here are a few common errors that I see. 1. Queries that read like synopses– I see this one a lot. Most…

March 2, 2016

Hello! My blog is reaching 20,000 views soon. Yay! In honor of this milestone, I’m giving away a FREE query critique from Extra Ink Edits. Comment below for your chance to win. When 20,000 views are reached, I’ll announce the winner! The more shares, the quicker the prize will be given. My best to you…

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