July 15, 2013

Hello! The castles of Germany are known for inspiring fairy tales. Perhaps, the most famous of all: Neuschwanstein in Bavaria, was the model for Sleeping Beauty’s castle in Disneyland. With its grotto and gold-dripping grandeur, Ludwig II, King of Bavaria, was definitely making a statement with his mountain top home. With debts too numerous and…

July 10, 2013

Hello!It’s time for “Writer Wednesday”, when I discuss another author and his or her book. The Israelis and the Palestinians have always disagreed. Theirs is a struggle of epic proportions of sibling rivalry rooted in Isaac and Ishmael and lasting without end for generations and thousands of years. Right?Wrong.It turns out that the Israelis and Palestinians…

July 8, 2013

The Gutenberg Printing Press Bent over their desks, the monks of Europe busily transcribed manuscripts for centuries. To own a book was simply beyond the means or reality of the majority of the world. Then, something remarkable happened. Johannes Gutenberg created a machine that could transcribe books- the printing press. No longer dependent on hand-copying…

July 5, 2013

Hello!It’s time for Friday Fun!Like bricks for a builder, letters exist as the foundations for writing. To the right are the runes (letters) of the Vikings. Often depicted as raiders, Vikings did also build settlements and made contributions to society. A number of Viking words are now part of our language.A few of them are:…

July 4, 2013

Words hold the power to alter history. Perhaps, this is no better remembered than on this day- the 4th of July.  The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America, When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another,…

July 3, 2013

Hello! It’s time fore “Writer Wednesday”, where I discuss another author and a book of his or hers. Today, I’d like to talk about Understanding Global Cultures: Metaphorical Journeys through 28 Nations, Clusters of Nations and Contients by Martin Gannon. For Christmas one year in college, while I was studying history-focused international relations, my aunt…

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